Slow, or frequently clogged drains? How about more than one sink clogged at a time? Have you noticed foul smells and odors coming from your drains? Are your toilets frequently overflowing or backing up? If you answered "yes" to any of the aforementioned questions, unfortunately you may have a problem with your home's main sewer connection line (which typically runs under your front yard and connects to the municipal line at the street). Of the many problems that can occur, clogs and backups are common considering the relative size of the pipes. As a rule of thumb if you are experiencing backups, this is a cause for concern and could be an indication that there may be something majorly wrong with your home's mainline. Of mankind's many inventions, drain cleaning pipes have been one of the most influential, as they allow us to carry fresh water into a home or business while simultaneously giving us an avenue to clean out odiferous and bacteria-ridden waste materials from living spaces. At F & M Plumbing, we've spent the last 20 years helping customers in Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley with fast drain cleaning services for homes, condos, offices, warehouses, restaurants and more.
You might think that the drains in your home are the only thing to worry about with clogs, but the connection between your home and the municipal wastewater system is another point of concern. Over the years we have seen a variety of situations where homeowners call us out for a minor clog that ends up requiring the mainline to get fixed.
If you think that there's a blockage, it's imperative that you call a licensed company with experience locating problems with video pipe inspections before it leads to a flooded basement or other severe damage. If you make it a habit to schedule regular sewer cleaning with an auger, you stand a much better chance of clearing a clog up before it completely seals your pipes off with fats, hair and other accumulated solids. Our Pasadena drain cleaning services help you rest at night knowing your house is in good hands.